We suggest you only use a trusted site, book directly using the hotel's website or call the hotel! See additional notes on hotel booking below.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not endorsing or recommending any hotels. We do not call to offer hotel rooms, and we suggest you only book directly through your selected hotel. Most hotels, and airlines, offer easy cancellation or modifications to your reservations at this time. Some hotels immediately charge your card for at least one night fee. Read carefully the terms and conditions prior to booking. Third-party sites may not offer any changes to your reservation and at times they overbook. As you are probably aware many hotels, restaurants, etc are having staffing issues - so check carefully what is currently being offered by the hotel. Some hotels - including the New Yorker Hotel - add on "Facilities Fees" (also termed "Resort Fees"). If you have questions we suggest you first call the hotel. The Fabric Show team may be able to assist you with general information - write to info@TheFabricShows.com
Show Dates: Monday, July 14
and Tuesday, July 15
To book hotel guest rooms go to
Please read additional notes above before booking hotel rooms.
The San Francisco Fabric Show is held on the 2nd & 3rd floors of the San Francisco Hilton Financial District - 750 Kearny Street, San Francisco 94108.
To book hotel guest rooms go to
San Francisco Hilton Financial District
Show Dates: March 4 & 5, 2025
5101 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami FL 33126
Tel 305-262-1000
Additional hotels are nearby - some have free shuttle service to and from Miami International Airport. Check individual hotels for current services.